[ale] Preferred Paint program

Marvin Dickens mpdickens at tlanta.com
Sat Aug 2 17:50:32 EDT 2003

John Wells wrote:

Scribus, which is a *true* DTP and layout tool is really nice. I've been 
using it for a
while and am very happy with it (I've been able to dump Aldus 
I think Scribus has the potential to be the next "Killer" app in Linux 
(Like GIMP has
been). Also, I've been using Sodipodi and GIMP to do graphics that I 
then import into
  in Scribus.

FWIW, you can find Sribus at:



Marvin Dickens

> I've heard in the past that Sodipodi is coming along quite nicely:
> http://sodipodi.sourceforge.net/

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