[ale] Dhcpcd not configuring Wireless Adapter??

Joshua Kirk jklinux at joshua-n-scot.us
Sat Apr 26 23:37:30 EDT 2003

Ok, I am stumped at this point. First let me get out of the way what I am running:

SuSE 8.2 with the 2.4-20 Mantel Kernel
Sony Laptop R505
orinoco_pci module

I am useing a Linksys BEFW11S4 AP and it works great with my Tivo (now running wireless), my SuSE desktop (connected by wire) and WinXP Boot on laptop (wire & wireless) and the wired connection of my SuSE boot on the laptop. However, when I boot up and connect via Wireless in SuSE it grabs an IP, sees the ESSID and everything. I can ping anything in the local network. However, it does not set the gateway, update the route table for the gateway, or set the DNS servers. I have tried everything there is to configure both in KWiFiConfigure and YaST Control Center. I have manually set the gateway and manually entered the route table in the YaST network adapter setup. Nothing works. If I use:

route add default gateway

and then update the resolv.conf with the correct DNS servers all is well.

Thinking the problem was/ is my Linksys AP I went to both a friends (D-Link AP) and to a Borders Books (who knows what T-Mobile uses). Same thing. I get an IP but nothing else is configure.

I can not for the life of me find where DHCPCD is dropping the ball (or some SuSE script for that matter). Any help with this would be helpful.

Sorry for not being brief, but I wanted to pass everything I could.

Thank you in advance!


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