[bdowd at dentfirst.com: [Fwd: Re: [ale] mp3 on rhl 9]]

David S. Jackson deepbsd at earthlink.net
Sat Apr 19 13:11:01 EDT 2003

Hi Bruddah Steve,

I asked the list and got several ideas.  This is probably the best for
you.  As it turns out, the rpm I downloaded was from xmms.org,
but that had also been disabled for mp3.  Go to the url below

http://havardk.xmms.org/dist/xmms-1.2.7-rh8-rh9-rpm/  and get the first
rpm you see at the top of that page.  Save it to your home directory.
(Or you could move it to your /root directory, so when you log in as
root, you'll see it in your home directory.)

Install xmms-mpg123-1.2.7-21.i386.rpm by going 

rootprompt# rpm -iv xmms-mpg123-1.2.7-21.i386.rpm 

(Note: the "rootprompt#" is whatever shellprompt you see when you log in
as root.  Everything after is the command.)

You should be up and going for MP3s then, assuming you use xmms as your
player (a good choice!).

(I don't normally use rhl; I'm more of a debian/slack/freebsd guy
myself, so I don't know their gui tools anymore---See www.linuxiso.org
for more info on other Linux distributions.)

I'd d/l the source and build it myself if I were there.  In fact,
perhaps I can do that and send you a prebuilt binary if you can't figure
out how to do the other...  But I'm sure the binary you d/led from
harvardk.xmms.org is just fine too.  :-)

Happy Computing!  Davo

PS--For the list:  Does anyone know if other mp3-related apps are
disabled by default in rhl9?

----- Forwarded message from "Brian J. Dowd" <bdowd at dentfirst.com> -----

From: "Brian J. Dowd" <bdowd at dentfirst.com>
To: ale at ale.org
To: ale at ale.org
Subject: [Fwd: Re: [ale] mp3 on rhl 9]
Reply-To: ale at ale.org
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2003 23:47:53 -0400

My apologies to the List...
that's http://havardk.xmms.org/dist/xmms-1.2.7-rh8-rh9-rpm/
(cut and paste is my friend...)

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [ale] mp3 on rhl 9
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2003 23:44:25 -0400
From: Brian J. Dowd <bdowd at dentfirst.com>
To: ale at ale.org
Reply-To: ale at ale.org
To: ale at ale.org
References: <20030419152416.GA11195 at sylvester.dsj.net> 
<3EA0C554.8070509 at dentfirst.com>

Go to http://harvard.xmms.org/dist/xmms-1.2.7-rh8-rh9-rpm/
for an even easier fix....

>You can go to http://xmms.org and get the software.
>./configure && make && make install
>to play mp3's without a problem.
>I put mine in /usr/local/xmms and linked a desktop
>icon to it there.
>David S. Jackson wrote:
>>Has anyone compiled a "fixit kit" for RHL 9 so that the audio
>>applications will handle mp3?  As I understand it, Mp3 appears disabled
>>at compile time as the default for the RHL 9 installation.

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David S. Jackson                        dsj at dsj.net
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