[ale] Long ago off topic and wondering ever on... Defeated with the arrogance of America....

aaron aaron at pd.org
Tue Apr 15 09:46:31 EDT 2003

> The only people who should apologise are those who feel they can
> get away with insulting the  institutions and belief systems that make
>  this country great with impunity. 
>       Ben Scherrey


Yeah!! You tell 'em Ben!! Damn those patriotic bastards that try to exercise 
free speech and constitutional liberty in OUR AmuriKa! Where do they get off 
reading the constitution anyway?? It says what we tell 'em it says and they 
damn well better start accepting that!! They try to start defending democracy 
on their own and we'll ship 'em all back to Europe and Canada is what I say!  
If they aren't with us they're against us!! They better get with the 
globalization invasion, pronto!! Operation Import Lubrication!! A little 
towel head programmer blood will grease those axles of evil just fine! And 
those Dixie Chickens just oughta be newk-you-lored!!  Where's my ant'racks, 
I've got a senator to write to!!  Why they... they... uhh.. errr... ummm... 


I have just GOT to start reading them headers with the content! Thought I was 
posting to the Fascist Republic list or the Limburger / O'Rightwing  chicken 
hawk hate monger fan club. Sure am glad Bill Gates invented cut and paste!


[... I tried to go back and include a bunch of smileys, but I find the brand 
of repulsive, extremist and hypocritical arrogance I'm trying to parody is 
all too rampant in reality these days to be funny.]

I finally took the Liberty to write this kind of response because we are now 
into something like the fourth time in recent months that marginally topical 
political issue has generated a massive, steadily devolving, and ultimately 
flaming flood of entirely Off Topic list traffic.

Regardless, I won't be arguing for any form of censorship or restrictions or 
policing because Tolerance is the most essential ingredient of both liberty 
and community, and I actually strive to uphold my beliefs with my actions.
What I am asking is that, at the least, when we cannot stay On Topic on this 
list, can we at least try to stay Courteous, Respectful and Civil??

Though the national political regime and corporate media conglomerates are 
aggressively working to undermine all reasoned, balanced and civil political 
debate in this country, I'm thinking that a community of well informed, 
intelligent and politically astute human beings like the ones who share this 
list can easily demonstrate how these totalitarian schemes will fail.

(after justice)

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