[ale] Flame Warning -- poll bashing has crossed the line
runman at speedfactory.net
Sun Apr 13 23:54:34 EDT 2003
comments inline
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ale-admin at ale.org [mailto:ale-admin at ale.org]On Behalf Of James P.
> Kinney III
> Sent: Sunday, April 13, 2003 10:50 PM
> To: Atlanta Linux User Group (E-mail)
> Subject: Re: [ale] Flame Warning -- poll bashing has crossed the line
> On Sun, 2003-04-13 at 21:50, Cade Thacker wrote:
> > TO THE REST OF THE LIST: I am very sorry for this rant, but I
> tried to do
> > something to help solve an issue, and in the resulting emails from Drew,
> > the only thing is get is crap all over the help I tried to provide in
> > solution to a very touchy issue. So fell free to delete. But I want to
> > make Drew very sure that he understand that he has crossed a big line in
> > my book, by publicly crapping on my contribution. This is not a
> matter of
> > free speech, it is a matter of curtesy.
> <justifiable spleen venting deleted>
> For what it's worth, Cade, I appreciated the effort. You stepped up and
> volunteered some time and expertise to offer a "quick and dirty hack"
> (always a good thing :) to help keep track of people's preferences on
> apparently a religious issue. You volunteered your time, and your
> bandwidth.
same feelings here. Even if it was 30 minutes, but it was more than anyone
else did and so you get much props and consideration. Security *shouldn't*
have been an issue when dealing with a community of gentlemen and ladies.
(and you *did* note this).
> I thank you now as I did not thank you for your efforts earlier.
> I am disappointed with the "community" that blatantly abused this
> process while whining about "giving back to the community". The
> hypocrisy has been appalling. If this is what the abusers want to give
> to this community, maybe they should rethink their involvement in this
> community.
agree. Or maybe we should "censor" them ... how about making them use DOS
for a week ?
> This entire process greatly underscores the inherent dangers posed by a
> few malcontents with some skills and a "cause" and access to tools.
What tools ?? and what skills ? Where's the 133t Hak3r skilz ?? clicking on
a button a few times is grossly simple. And if memory serves me, the
commercial website of the offender had to be done by a contractor, not the
offender (who also whined on and on about the rates that are being charged
just because developers need to eat now and then).
> As for many others in this community who have stayed silent on this
> rehashed issue, I personally apologize for my vitriolic diatribe as I
> have been very irritated with the loss of a choice on my interaction
> method with this community. It is not a religious issue for me, it is
> one of time and convenience with some logic thrown in for good measure.
> And lastly, to those who actively participated in the ballot stuffing,
> go stuff yourself. Or better, grow up. Your behavior in this matter has
> been such as to lose much respect. Someday, you may need to talk to one
> of the others in the group about a job. Just make sure if it's me you're
> asking that you wait a very long time.
Drew, perhaps because you don't write code you don't know how developers
feel about it, but I would guess since you run a website you should have
some inkling of what cracking a website feels like. What you did was wrong
and your excuse "the ethical thing to do was show it" was wrong on 2 levels.
One is that you either cannot read or cannot comprehend what Cade wrote when
he mentioned it was based on the honor system. The second (and more
troubling) level is that you have a sense of ethics not based on any
Judeo-Christian-Islamic type of system that is common in society today. So,
if you believe in what you said, then it is ok if I show up your website's
weaknesses by bringing it to it's knees ? Without the professional courtesy
of first telling you about it and giving you a chance to fix it ? How about
if I keep it on one of the spammers blackhole lists for a month or more ? or
get your domain hijacked ??? You are pretty lucky that Cade is not one to
just decide to get even by staying quite and cracking your website (or
worse) instead of flaming you kinda lightly in this forum. And this is
*the* friendliest forum/list I have ever seen. In fact, you are really
getting off easy on this one as compared to some security and BSD lists I
have seen. Especially since I have seen you ask some really newby questions
and not even get RTFM/STFW 'd once.
> --
> James P. Kinney III \Changing the mobile computing world/
> CEO & Director of Engineering \ one Linux user /
> Local Net Solutions,LLC \ at a time. /
> 770-493-8244 \.___________________________./
> http://www.localnetsolutions.com
> GPG ID: 829C6CA7 James P. Kinney III (M.S. Physics)
> <jkinney at localnetsolutions.com>
> Fingerprint = 3C9E 6366 54FC A3FE BA4D 0659 6190 ADC3 829C 6CA7
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