[ale] ALE reply-to changes needed??

hbbs at attbi.com hbbs at attbi.com
Sat Apr 12 17:02:39 EDT 2003

You don't explain how it is that separate behavior for REPLY and REPLY ALL 
(a.k.a. "the old way") somehow damages the list and/or its archives.  
> Keep it how it is. The list (and it's archives) are more important than the 
> ability to have conversations off list.
> In the past, I believe that reply to all would paste the ale at ale.org AND the 
> sender so that I could simply remove the ale's address.
> Unfortunately, I think you will get more people speaking up for the change 
> than the preservation, only because it is a more important issue for the 
> minority that needs the change. I believe that archived voting on this issue 
> showed that the current method was preferred over the change. 
> Had the system been changed to what is proposed, half of those votes would 
> have ended up in private email boxes.
> Drew
> On Sat April 12 2003 07:48, Geoffrey wrote:
> > Based on feedback I've received, it appears to me that the configuration
> > of the mail list should be changed so that replies to posted messages
> > should default to the poster.  It is my understanding that replying to
> > all, will go to both the list and the poster in this type of configuration.
> >
> > I'd like to hear further comments before making any changes though.  As
> > in most democratic societies, top vote counts will win.  Bring it on...
> -- 
> Wishing you Happiness, Joy and Laughter,
> Drew Brown
> http://www.ChangingLINKS.com
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