[ale] Nautilus (2.0.6/RH8) jpg display

CB Genrich cb at kona-kahuna-nui.com
Fri Apr 11 12:28:51 EDT 2003

Look in /home/<login>/.nautilus/thumbnails/<screwed-up-folder>

Delete all the ".png" files.

Refresh the view in the screwed-up-folder.

This doesn't speak to how the folder got screwed up, but will force
nautilus to regenerate the thumbnails, probably correctly.

       When I use Nautilus (2.0.6 on Redhat 8) to view a folder
 with .jpg files (maybe others?) I find that many of the
 miniatures are only partially shown.  It can be hard to
 preview the image this way.
 What generates these miniatures, why would it make the
 lower 50% to 90% sometimes be just gray, and how could
 I force it to render them completely?
  CB Genrich
 Kona Kahuna Nui, LLC
 cb at kona-kahuna-nui.com
 678-358-3436 (office)
 770-493-6874 (home)

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