[ale] Sorry to miss out on your electronic edition.
John Mills
johnmills at speakeasy.net
Wed Apr 9 20:20:41 EDT 2003
Mr. Lundquist:
I subscribe to and much appreciate the print edition of _eWeek_, and I
would be happy to try the electronic edition. Unfortunately this would be
very inconvenient for me because my usual operating systems are Linux and
MasOS-8.6. I could install a reader in my Win98 partition, I suppose, but
I seldom boot in that mode except when I have a Windows-only task that
needs to be done, like paying my taxes. (I expect you don't want your
publication to be identified in my mind with the IRS. &8-)
I hope you will be able to make readers avalailable for other operating
systems, or will consider in the future a format like PDF which is
supported for a wide range of hosts.
Best wishes,
John Mills
john.m.mills at alum.mit.edu
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