[ale] Servlets Vs. Perl
fletch at phydeaux.org
Mon Sep 30 14:29:01 EDT 2002
>>>>> "John" == John Wells <jb at sourceillustrated.com> writes:
Mike> 3) I find the object oriented nature of Java to better lend
Mike> itself to code organization and code reuse, so I end up
Mike> being more efficient.
>> Get Damian Conway's _Object Oriented Perl_.
John> Not to start a holy war here, but perl has some of the
John> ugliest OO syntax I've seen. Java OOP results in cleaner
John> code, for the most part. Perl OOP always feels like it's
John> held together with a bunch of scotch tape.
Too late, someone else already has . . . :) At any rate,
that's why you should get the Conway book. Perl's OOP is just as
capable as Java's, and in many ways more flexible. Plus the dynamic
nature of Perl makes lots of common tasks trivial (for example there's
the Class::MethodMaker module which (amoung other things) will write
all of your accessors for your members for you).
John> In addition, freedom is not always a good thing. Common
John> practice in perl is to mix oo and non-oo code together,
John> resulting in a confusing mix of methodologies. Java forces
John> your hand...
But conversely, if you're using Java you're stuck with OOP
even if it doesn't fit the problem. See the comparison of `Hello,
world' snippets in the Schwern paper from my first response in the
John> Of course, efforts can be made to keep the perl code
John> maintainable and consistent, but in my experience this is
John> rarely done.
It's possible to write spaghetti code in any language. And
perl also suffers from lots of code being written by non- or poor
programmers. Larry's always mentioning that he wants to keep the
language accessable for those that write `baby Perl', while keeping it
possible for those who want to write well structured programs to do so
as well.
Fletch | "If you find my answers frightening, __`'/|
fletch at phydeaux.org | Vincent, you should cease askin' \ o.O'
770 933-0600 x211(w) | scary questions." -- Jules =(___)=
770 294-0820 (m) | U
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