[ale] Servlets Vs. Perl

Mike Millson mgm at atsga.com
Mon Sep 30 12:03:07 EDT 2002

I use both Java and Perl.

Here are some things I like about Java that either don't exist w/ Perl or I
haven't found them yet:
1) Javadocs: A great way to document your code and at the same time be able
to provide a nice html formatted deliverable to your client. Very powerful.
2) Ant. Just set up a build file and all you have to do is run it to create
your classes and publish everything to your web sever.
3) I find the object oriented nature of Java to better lend itself to code
organization and code reuse, so I end up being more efficient.

Some things I like better about Perl:
1) Uploading files to a server is much easier. Java has nothing built into
it to handle multipart/form-data encoding. You can do it fairly easy by
installing some free utilities, but w/ Perl its right there and takes only a
couple of lines of code.


-----Original Message-----
From: cfowler [mailto:cfowler at outpostsentinel.com]
To: ale at ale.org
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 11:29 AM
To: ale at ale.org
Subject: [ale] Servlets Vs. Perl

I have a flame war I want to start.  I have been using perl to test some
of my C code.  I see all the goodies that one can do with perl in a CGI
environment.  What is the real benefit of perl over Java or Java over
perl when it comes to web apps?  It seems like you can do much what Java
can do in perl.


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