[ale] [Fwd: [Am-info] Advanced Micro Devices will include Microsoft's Palladium]

Irv Mullins irvm at ellijay.com
Sun Sep 22 11:03:58 EDT 2002

On Saturday 21 September 2002 05:35 pm, James P. Kinney III wrote:

> On the softer control side are devices (tubes, clock crystals, etc) that
> can be used to easily make a device that can interfere with
> non-government, FCC regulated transmissions. Radio and TV stations have
> certain protections built in that includes restricting the sales of
> potential jamming components. Just try to buy a radio transmitter tube
> from ACK that outputs on a local FM radio station band!

Tubes don't operate on a 'band'.  There are dozens of tubes 
which can be used to make an FM transmitter, as well as 
lots of transistors. As someone else has pointed out, with 
digital frequency synthesis, crystals are hardly a factor anymore.

If you want higher power, there are 2kw linear amps available for
the 2 meter band (144 mhz) which ~could~ easily transmit in the FM bands.
It's certainly not illegal to buy or own such a transmitter (or tubes for 
them) but it is illegal to use them in bands you are not licensed for.

If Ack doesn't sell such transmitter tubes, it's more likely because of the 
very small market.  (Licensed and technilcally qualified hams only.)
After all, 2 kw tubes wouldn't be of much use to WSB-FM 

See http://www.alpha-amps.com/html/gu84b.htm for a US-made 2kw amp 
which uses Russian tubes. Probably because there are no US manufacturers 
of such things anymore.


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