[ale] more on RedHat's Null desktop

Stuffed Crust pizza at shaftnet.org
Tue Sep 17 11:24:51 EDT 2002

On Tue, Sep 17, 2002 at 09:44:36AM -0400, Jim wrote:
> their crippled offerings of KDE in the past don't bode well for the outcome 
> of this. I'm planning a move to SuSe. The link is here:

How have they "crippled" their KDE offerings?

Since KDE/Qt moved to a Free license, that is.

Your choice of words implies deliberate "let's make it suck" action,
while the reality is more along the lines of "we'll spend more time on
Gnome as that's more important to us"

All of this hooplah is over a set of *themes*.  If you don't like 'em,
it's perfectly straightforward to revert to the "classic" KDE or Gnome
look and feel.  RedHat isn't aiming for the power user, they're aiming
for the corporate desktop and cube drones that don't have an original
thought in their heads.

 - Pizza
Solomon Peachy                                   pizza at f*cktheusers.org
I'm not broke, but I'm badly bent.                         ICQ #1318344
Patience comes to those who wait.                         Melbourne, FL
               Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur

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