[ale] Odd Dual boot problem

Adrin haswes at mindspring.com
Sun Sep 8 21:31:00 EDT 2002

If my memory is correct.  When you do a warm boot the ISA,
( Which most pc don't acutally have anymore.) does not get
reset or re initialized.  I am willing to bet that some
hardware setting that windows doesn't like after Linux has
had it.  Funniest thing to me about windows and digging in
the registry. you can find hard drive and other old hard
ware still listed. Even after you have used a registry
cleaning program.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Corbin [mailto:dcorbin at imperitek.com]
> Sent: Sunday, September 08, 2002 1:57 PM
> To: ale at ale.org
> Subject: [ale] Odd Dual boot problem
> I have a system which I dual boot Win2K and Linux
> Debian 2.4 + 2.4.19
> kernel.  I use LILO to control the boot.  The odd
> thing is this.  When
> ever I boot into Win2K after Linux, the first
> time it "hangs" during the
> boot with the initial boot screen (The little
> blue bar is about 60-65%).
>  If I reboot again (into Win2K again), it boots
> and runs fine.   Boot
> into Linux works fine (of course).   As I'm
> trying to get off of Win2k
> completely, it's more a matter of curiosity than a crisis.
> Ideas?
> David Corbin
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