[ale] Phone line networking

Tom & JaVonn pairoftwins at mindspring.com
Fri Sep 6 14:47:11 EDT 2002


Don't laugh -- it works pretty well under Winbloze. But I'm unable to find support for Linux.

A family that's tired of viral infections would like to switch to Linux, but I'm frustrated after several hours searching:

* LinkSys HPN200 cards they use -- no support from LinkSys and they use Broadcom chips

* D-Link seems to have discontinued their cards

* tulip driver claims to support "Home-PNA 1Mbs", so what brand would that be?

* pcnet32 driver claims to support "AMD Pcnet Home", so what brand would that be?

Do I have to invest in an ethernet-to-HPNA converter and hope that it works?
Asking them to run CAT5 from 2nd floor to basement is a remote possibility.
Wasn't LinkSys cooperating with Linux on networking?



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