[ale] OT - scripted Win -> Lin kickoff of Lin script

Joseph A. Knapka jknapka at earthlink.net
Fri Sep 6 12:36:19 EDT 2002

John Mills wrote:
> ALErs -
> A question for the Win<->Lin gurus here:
> I have a nicely packaged script in a [RH-7.3] Linux box to build and
> copy-out a distribution fileset. We need to kick it off from a Win2k box
> as part of a scripted 'build' in that environment.
> Can anyone suggest a setup to do this, roughly:
>  ... <cruising down the Win2K script> ...
>  Go_Start_Linuxtask_on_Linuxhost
>    (equivalent to:) ssh BuildCzar at build_server "nohup DoLinuxBuild.sh &"

That ssh command should work fine, provided you've got an ssh
client on the Win2k box.

-- Joe
  "I'd rather chew my leg off than maintain Java code, which
   sucks, 'cause I have a lot of Java code to maintain and
   the leg surgery is starting to get expensive." - Me

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