[ale] Swithcing to WindowMaker

Matthew Brown matthew.brown at cordata.net
Tue Sep 3 09:24:40 EDT 2002

I installed 
WindowMaker, but I can't figure out how to switch to it from Sawfish.  I 
ran wmaker.inst, and it says it has switched over, but when I restart X, it is 
still using Sawfish.  (Looking at "ps ax" output shows sawfish running, and 
no wmaker.)
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Also, I cannot find 
wprefs anywhere.
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Best regards,
Matthew Brown, President
CorData, Inc.
O: (770) 795-0089
F: (404) 806-4855
E: <A 
href="mailto:matthew.brown at cordata.net">matthew.brown at cordata.net

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