[ale] micro seconds

David S. Jackson deepbsd at earthlink.net
Wed Nov 27 16:57:25 EST 2002

On Wed, Nov 27, 2002 at 01:27:03PM -0500 Fulton Green <ale at FultonGreen.com> wrote:
> Actually, they do claim a 233 MHz P5 desktop for $150.
> Check out www.MicroSeconds.net for other locations and stuff.
> On Wed, Nov 27, 2002 at 01:17:39PM -0500, Jeff Hubbs wrote:
> > You may be disappointed.  I haven't been in there recently, but it
> > seemed like they were trying to sell PII/200s for like $350-400 when you
> > could get new computers for that...

Yeah, I just stopped by this afternoon (what traffic!), and I was
amazed at their chutzpah.  Pentium 200Mhz for 199.00?  Give me a
break.  But I found a couple of old goodies in their "bargain
bins".  That's kind of what I was after after all, an old IDE
controller/adapter for an ISA slot, for example.  And an old
ISA video card that will just work for a humble X display on an
old Pentium.   I just hate to throw away old junk when it can
actually work and do something.  

David S. Jackson                        dsj at dsj.net
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Anytime."  So I ordered French Toast in the
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