[ale] SSSCA rears its (ugly) head once more

George Johnson gljay at netzero.net
Fri Mar 1 13:47:21 EST 2002

This scares me too!!  This is why I am not a republi-crat or demo-cian.  I
would not be the person you are looking for to give any speach on this but I
can give some sites where you can keep an eye on things like this that the
main stream media will not report.


Keep an eye out on these sites.  You will find all kinds of interesting and
scary news items here.


-----Original Message-----
From: James P. Kinney III [mailto:jkinney at localnetsolutions.com]
To: ale at ale.org
Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 3:35 PM
To: Charles Shapiro
Cc: Atlanta Linux User Group (E-mail)
Subject: Re: [ale] SSSCA rears its (ugly) head once more

It really scares the crap out of me to think that at some point in the
nearing future, all of the stuff I use, all Open Source, could be
outlawed for failing to comply with crap like this.

On Fri, 2002-03-01 at 13:51, Charles Shapiro wrote:
> If you haven't heard of it, the SSSCA (Security Systems Standards
> Certification Act) would mandate that all new hard drives contain an
> as-yet-undecided copy-protection scheme. Buying or selling a new drive
> which was not so crippled would be a crime.  It  would also be a crime
> to tamper with the copy-protection hardware or software on a disk drive.
> Up to a half-million dollar fine or five years in jail for the first
> offfense. This ain't law yet, but the time to act is now.
> "When Congress sits idly by in the face of these activities, we
> essentially sanction the Internet as a haven for thievery"
> Fritz Hollings (D-SC) Feb 28, 2002 (hearings re the SSSCA)
> Uh, maybe it's time to do an ALE meeting on "Progress toward outlawing
> Open Source". Congress is really starting to scare me here. Any lawyers
> or politicos in the house? I'd be glad to help out, but I don't really
> feel qualified to do a full presentation.
> -- CHS
> ---
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James P. Kinney III   \Changing the mobile computing world/
President and COO      \          one Linux user         /
Local Net Solutions,LLC \           at a time.          /
770-493-8244             \.___________________________./

GPG ID: 829C6CA7 James P. Kinney III (M.S. Physics)
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