[ale] OT: Win for the little guy

Cade Thacker linux at cade.org
Fri Jun 28 13:55:57 EDT 2002

Just a little note of happiness. WSB-TV(ABC channel 2) here in ATL had
decided not to show the World Cup Final on Sunday morning, instead showing
news(give me a break). The world cup final is watch 3 Billion people world
wide! Yes, Billion with a B!.  So anyway, once the AJC ran an article
telling people this, the emails started flowing like beer. AND THEY
RELENTED!!!! Needless to say, for once it is good to see a victory by the
little guy over Corporate America that does not involve lawyers' fees, all
it involved was them actually listening to what we, the consumers, want!
wow, what a great concept. Anyway, I just thought this was pretty cool.

AJC coverage.


On Linux vs Windows
Remember, amateurs built the Ark, Professionals built the Titanic!

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