[ale] OT: Anyone else getting stupid money-transfer spams?

John Mills jmmills at telocity.com
Thu Jun 27 10:03:08 EDT 2002

ALErs -

On 26 Jun 2002, Kevin Krumwiede wrote:

> I have received several of them since yesterday.  I nmap all spammers
> and usually I find open mail relays, but this time the senders are
> mostly buttoned up tight.  Anyone else getting this?

Yeah - the 'Nigerian Ponzi' business has gotten real active. I get several
a day. In theory the US State Dept. tracks these and sometimes I forward
them on to a security officer who forwards them to DoS. I don't know if
there is any point in that exercise when I get 4-5/day!

Some idiots must 'bite' on these, I guess.

 - John Mills

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