[ale] Palladium/MS: ideas for retaliation - OT now

Joseph A Knapka jknapka at earthlink.net
Wed Jun 26 15:14:53 EDT 2002

Geoffrey wrote:
> Joseph A Knapka wrote:
> > Geoffrey wrote:
> >
> >>Jeff Hubbs wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>and then some for a FRACTION of the
> >>>procurement cost.  This puts this manager in a considerable bind, for
> >>>your mere proposal implies that the IT manager soaked the Georgia
> >>>taxpayer by not researching alternatives in the state's best interest.
> >>>So, you'll get absolutely nowhere making a proposal to such a person.
> >>>The best you can hope to do is a) make a "groundswell" among teachers,
> >>>principals, and administrators b)
> >>>
> >>You can forget the teachers for now.  They've got too much to do as it
> >>
> >
> > Though if you point out to a teacher's union rep that a saving
> > of $150K/year (or whatever) on IT expenditures might be applied
> > to teacher salaries instead, you might get some action
> > going on that front.
> Don't get me started on teachers salaries...  As far as I know, there
> are no unionized teachers in the state of Georgia.

Oh my. I just assumed (without knowing much about the subject)
that unionization was the norm in public education.

>  Secondly, you'll
> never seen saved funds going to teachers' salaries.  Our good Governor
> is already boasting about the great things he's doing for education.  I
> want to puke every time I see his commercials.  Smaller class sizes?
> WHERE?  Yeah, make sure those teachers are up to snuff, don't worry
> about the parents who (should) have more influence on a child's
> behavior.  Until we have responsible parents,  who are willing to fund
> teacher pay increases, you'll not see it.  Teachers will never see a
> dime from funds saved on IT.  What about all that lotto money.  Think
> any of it goes to fund teacher pay increases?

No... apparently nothing does :-(

-- Joe

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