[ale] [ISN] Microsoft to reveal Palladium source code (fwd)

John Wells jb at sourceillustrated.com
Wed Jun 26 15:21:01 EDT 2002

The way I understand it, and correct me here if I'm wrong, is that for an
application to run it would need to be signed by a valid certificate
authority.  Valid will most likely mean Microsoft and its approved
partners.  That causes a problem when trying to compile open source apps,
as there's no way to compile and then have a cert authority sign the
resulting binaries.

I'm wondering if, since the code will supposedly be shared, there will be
a way to modify it to use alternate certificate authorities.  In that
case, I envision some open source friendly cert authorities coming into
existence that will automatically validate binaries per Palladium specs.

I guess it's too early to tell.  There's only one thing that can be taken
for granted...if the opportunity presents itself to screw a competitor,
Microsoft *always* takes full advantage.


Pete Hardie said:
> Jonathan Rickman wrote:
>> On Wed, 26 Jun 2002, Pete Hardie wrote:
>>>And if it's built into the compiler, then open source will work just
>>> fine.
>> There's the problem. MS controls access to the compliler and re-words
>> the user agreement to prohibit compiling source code that is GPL'ed.
> That kind of restriction would (I fervently hope) be struck down in an
> eyeblink  - it's too restrictive, rather like Ford making it illegal to
> drive a Ford car onto a Chevy dealer's lot.
> --
> Pete Hardie                   |   Goalie, DVSG Dart Team
>      posting from, but not     |
> 	speaking for:             |
> Scientific Atlanta, Digital Video Services Group
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