[ale] suspicious log entry by SSH-3.3

David Bronson dbron at roman.net
Wed Jun 26 10:32:06 EDT 2002

That appears to be a bug in the logging mechanism. I have this same
behavior and I know of several others reporting that.

David Bronson

-----Original Message-----
From: zyu at punch.premtec.com [mailto:zyu at punch.premtec.com] On Behalf Of
To: ale at ale.org
Jerry Z. Yu
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 10:28 AM
Cc: ale at ale.org
Subject: [ale] suspicious log entry by SSH-3.3

I upgraded openssh from 2.9.2 to this new 3.3 ( RPM has the right 
GPG signature).  F-secure ssh2 (version 3.1.2) as client, I has this 
suspicious log entry, (note the hostbased, instead of publickey)

Jun 26 10:17:24 hostA sshd[27712]: Accepted hostbased for userA from  port 51942 ssh2

The hostbased authentication has been disabled in sshd_config, and priv 
seperation enabled. The verbose mode shows authentication thru public
debug: server offers auth methods 'publickey,password'
debug: Ssh2AuthPubKeyClient/authc-pubkey.c:1751/ssh_client_auth_pubkey: 
Public key authentication was successful.

Jerry Z. Yu					+1-404-487-8544 (O)
systems engineer				z.yu at voicecom.com
is support, voicecom, llc			www.voicecom.com

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