[ale] ssh remote root exploit :-(

David Bronson dbron at roman.net
Tue Jun 25 13:20:13 EDT 2002

Hi Dow,

FWIW, I am convinced of the authenticity.

I think privatesep is only supported in 3.3.

#debian on openprojects is a good source for Debian information. Woody
and Potato now have *ick* patches. Unfortunately, the patches really
don't fix the issue; they just supposedly limit the impact.

I don't follow other distros closely so I can't be much help there.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dow Hurst [mailto:dhurst at kennesaw.edu] 
To: ale at ale.org
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 12:45 PM
To: dbron at roman.net; ale at ale.org
Subject: Re: [ale] ssh remote root exploit :-(

This is a big deal if true.  How do I check out if privsep is possible 
on my installation?  This bug should hit Bugtraq very soon, right?

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