[ale] hard drive won't mount

keith frost pfrostie at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 20 10:51:09 EDT 2002

there is a chance the drive is not the culpret.
i can't remember if it's this list or another but i've
been hearing a lot of "disk problems" with people
running RH7.2.  i've not used RH in awhile but
Mandrake went thru a period a while back where some
drives did not work well.  they would start off with
minor problems and go down hill from there.  this was
what drove me to debian.

something else you might want to check is what kernel
it is using.  the 2.4.* kernel has a history of
trashing filesystems.  in one article they called it
the kernel of pain.

--- Jim <jcphil at mindspring.com> wrote:
> I already had some file system problems and now
> things have gotten much 
> worse. Whenever I try to boot up to Linux, it wants
> to run fsck. But if 
> I let fsck run, it won't complete but exits with a
> "Signal 7". I can use 
> Tom's Root/Boot disk, but it can't mount the hard
> drive either. And of 
> course if I try to run fsck from there, it also
> errors out. Do I have 
> any options left? This is a RedHat 7.2 distro.
> ---
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