[ale] PGP/GPG Compatibility Issues

Jerry Z. Yu z.yu at voicecom.com
Tue Jun 18 16:16:50 EDT 2002

I believe he's talking the other way around. GPG doesn't have "idea" (as 
it is patented. or it expires too? ). 

The FAQ 5.4 may have the answer at http://www.gnupg.org/faq.html#q5.4
5.4) Why is PGP 5.x not able to encrypt messages with some keys? 

               PGP Inc refuses to accept ElGamal keys of type 20 even for 
encryption. They only support type 16 (which is
               identical at least for decryption). To be more 
inter-operable, GnuPG (starting with version 0.3.3) now also uses
               type 16 for the ElGamal subkey which is created if the 
default key algorithm is chosen. You may add an type 16
               ElGamal key to your public key which is easy as your key 
signatures are still valid.

On Tue, 18 Jun 2002, Michael H. Warfield wrote:

#On Tue, Jun 18, 2002 at 10:47:58AM -0400, Randy Janinda wrote:
#> I'm managing a corporate PGP (ebiz 7.0.1) program and have recently
#> received GPG keys for a customer. Unfortunately, the keys can be
#> inserted on the keyring, but encryption fails when this key is used.
#> Does anyone have info about GPG/PGP interoperability and what the
#> problem and solution may be? I really want this to work and not force
#> the customer into the clutches of NAI.
#	Your problem is probably the IDEA encryption algorithm.
#You'll have to download the pluggin, build it, then add it to
#your configuration.
#	The following was blatently plagerized from a message from
#Calum Mackay <calum.mackay at sun.com> posted recently to the gnupg-users
#mailing list which sums it up very nicely...
#] Quick answer:
#] o Download ftp://ftp.gnupg.dk/pub/contrib-dk/idea.c
#] o Compile:
#]        gcc -Wall -O2 -shared -fPIC -o idea idea.c
#] o Copy "idea" into your extensions dir, e.g <.../lib/gnupg>
#] o Add to ~/.gnupg/options:
#]         load-extension idea
#] You can now decrypt files you may have previously encrypted with "pgp -c".
#] cheers,
#] Calum.
#	In this case, you can also deal with messages and keys with
#IDEA as the encryption preference.
#	If that's NOT the problem, you are going to have to post more
#information, like the specific failures and error messages you encountered.
#> Thanks,
#> Randy Janinda
#	Mike
# Michael H. Warfield    |  (770) 985-6132   |  mhw at WittsEnd.com
#  /\/\|=mhw=|\/\/       |  (678) 463-0932   |  http://www.wittsend.com/mhw/
#  NIC whois:  MHW9      |  An optimist believes we live in the best of all
# PGP Key: 0xDF1DD471    |  possible worlds.  A pessimist is sure of it!
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Jerry Z. Yu					+1-404-487-8544 (O)
systems engineer				z.yu at voicecom.com
is support, voicecom, llc			www.voicecom.com

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