[ale] Recommendations on mirrored LVM..?

James P. Kinney III jkinney at localnetsolutions.com
Thu Jun 13 20:23:31 EDT 2002

Use LVM to group the partition slices into logical disks. Then just use
the logical disks to make your raid 1 drive.

As of now, there is no distribution that supports this on installation,
yet. The RedHat professional server is slated to do this. But it is
still in beta.

It is much easier to just add a pair of hard drives as raid 1 mirrors
and use the entire she-bang for the storage unit. 

LVM is great for a production box where you need to reallocate space on
the fly for a growing filesystem (think "database").

On Thu, 2002-06-13 at 19:15, Eric Webb wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm working towards putting together a large, cheap disk repository with a 
> little redundancy.  The goal here isn't performance, but more of creating a 
> big chunk'o'disk that is somewhat protected.
> I'm interested in running the LVM code based on experience with it under AIX. 
>  A few questions come up though:
> 1.  ext3 or reiserfs?
> 2.  How do I mirror the dang thing?  AIX supports lvcopies, which is what I'd 
> like to do, but I don't believe the Linux LVM does.  The only idea I can come 
> up with is to use the raidtools to create a mirrored device, and then feed 
> that device to the LVM code.  Will that work?  Will it work WELL?  Doesn't 
> sound as flexible to me.
> 3.  Please don't suggest hardware (yet).  I'm planning on a 3ware card down 
> the road, but I just can't afford it now.
> Forgive me if I'm describing something wrong here -- I'm well aware of the 
> principles of what I want to do, I'm just not familiar with the Linux 
> implementation of those principles yet ;)
> -E.
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James P. Kinney III   \Changing the mobile computing world/
President and CEO      \          one Linux user         /
Local Net Solutions,LLC \           at a time.          /
770-493-8244             \.___________________________./

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