[ale] More on Dell support

Mike Millson mgm at atsga.com
Sat Jun 15 06:11:24 EDT 2002

You can always disable javascript. That should get you by any javascript


-----Original Message-----
From: Geoffrey [mailto:esoteric at 3times25.net]
To: ale at ale.org
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2002 6:53 PM
To: ale at ale.org
Subject: Re: [ale] More on Dell support

Kevin Krumwiede wrote:
> On Fri, 2002-06-14 at 17:07, Eater wrote:
>>This is based on the ID string your browser sends.  Most Linux browsers
>>the option of "impersonating" a different browser, based on which site
>>are viewing.  Under Konqueror (my browser) this is under the "User Agent"
>>settings in the Configuration dialog box.  I believe there's a similar
>>in Mozilla.
>>Most sites with this silly restriction work just fine using Konqueror,
>>this impersonation is in effect.
> Yes, but some sites (like Suntrust's online banking) use Javascript to
> get the name of the browser.  I couldn't find a way to fake this, so I
> got an account at a different bank.

Javascript should be looking at the same thing, user agent.  I changed
banks from Suntrust for different reasons, primarily security.  (SSN as
your id, 4 digit passwd).  After I opened an account with another bank,
they changed their password policy, but still use the SSN.

> Krum
> ---
> This message has been sent through the ALE general discussion list.
> See http://www.ale.org/mailing-lists.shtml for more info. Problems should
> sent to listmaster at ale dot org.

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

I didn't have to buy my radio from a specific company to listen
to FM, why doesn't that apply to the Internet (anymore...)?

This message has been sent through the ALE general discussion list.
See http://www.ale.org/mailing-lists.shtml for more info. Problems should be
sent to listmaster at ale dot org.

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