[ale] Reply to ALE messages

Jim Popovitch jimpop at rocketship.com
Tue Jan 29 07:09:29 EST 2002

HaHaHa!, you'll have better luck starting a flame war by just briefly saying
that vi or emacs is better than the other.  ;-)

Seriously, there are valid reasons for both reply-to-list and
reply-to-sender.  Unfortunately neither will satisfy everyone.  I run an
unrelated list that is a reply-to-list and quite frequently folks ask for it
to be reply-to-sender.

-Jim P.

-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Krumwiede [mailto:krum at smyrnacable.net]
To: ale at ale.org
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 5:02 AM
To: ALE List
Subject: [ale] Reply to ALE messages

Does it annoy anyone else that when you reply to a message from the list, it
goes to an individual instead of back to the list?

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