[ale] help testing.

ChangingLINKS.com ChangingLINKS.com at bigfoot.com
Mon Jan 21 00:23:19 EST 2002

I have a program that collects data from the Internet. My programmer says it 
works from his house. And he sends results (files) to prove it.
For some reason, the program does not finish work on my computers. Moreover 
it takes 15 hours here, but allegedly takes 50 minutes to finish processing 
at his place.
It is a java program. I tested it using Windows 2000/Sun's Java and RedHat 
7.2/blackdown.org's Java. The Linux test processed a little more, and they 
both took the same 15 hours using the same hardware.
I have two more tests (without firewall, new version of the program) before I 
will have eliminated the possibility of it being my hardware/OS setups.

I have a feeling that it could be my ISP. I use AT&T broadBAD which 
periodically drops connection. 
I would like to try this program from a different location with a different 

Can someone volunteer their Earthlink/Bellsouth/other IDSN or ADSL internet 
connection for 50 minutes or so?

[I can send you a copy of the program to run on your machine, or I can bring 
my box to your location]
Wishing you Happiness, Joy and Laughter,

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