[ale] Linux Capabilities (?)

Joe Steele joe at madewell.com
Fri Jan 18 18:55:09 EST 2002

> So, my question is, basically, 2-fold:  (1) What precisely is "linux
> capabilities"?  I've heard the name, but all I'm coming up with is "it's
> like ACLs for Processes instead of files" which seems like it's probably a
> little ... inaccurate at the least :/  (2) Are they "broken" in 2.4?  or is
> bind-9.2 trying to do something that maybe used to be a workaround to a
> broken setup that isn't broken anymore?  Or maybe they were just changed and
> aren't broken either before or after but no longer work the same and bind
> needs to play with the new one?


Regarding (1):  You can probably read everything you ever wanted to know 
about "linux capabilities" here:


Unfortunately, I don't know that it will get you any closer to figuring out 
part (2) of your question :( 


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