[ale] selling stuff

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Tue Jan 8 16:42:23 EST 2002

Fulton Green wrote:
> So I guess even the prefacing of the subject line with "OT: For sale" or
> "FS: " isn't enough of a clue to hit the Delete key?

I personally don't mind the 'every now and then' for sale stuff.  I also
think that any computer hardware is close enough to being on topic to
post, personal opinion folks.

My response earlier (ebay list...) was to someone selling hardware and
was meant to carry a slight bit of humor.  In reality, it'd have been
much more appropriate to have responded to the guy selling the bird.  I
thought about responding to that one, but noted I had plenty of chicken
in the freezer...

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

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