[ale] moving to the command line

Bruce L. Bryant bbryant at alltel.net
Thu Jan 3 16:36:58 EST 2002

	Hello, again.
	First, I'd like to thank all who responded to my email of 28th.
Dec. I've done some follow up on all of them and am still reading from
the sites mentioned.
	Secondly, I have a question. Chris Fowler made a very nice offer
which I responded to off list. (Hey, Chris. Thanks.) I haven't heard from
him. If it's because of workload, then I understand.
	My question is actually this: did I commit a fasux-pas by trying
to respond off list? I belong to several mailing lists and they all seem
to have slightly different requirements regarding this type of exchange. I
could not find a FAQ for the ALE list.
	Please be patient as I am a newbie coming from a Windblows world.
	Please help me educate myself.

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