[ale] OT: The Amazing WEB

Kevin Krumwiede krum at smyrnacable.net
Tue Feb 19 10:50:58 EST 2002

The problem is that the big, evil companies keep buying out the little ones
that are, as you say, regulated by the morals of each person involved.  They
absorb businesses and align themselves with political causes that you, their
customer, may or may not support, and you're forced to choose between using
the products you've come to depend on, or joining the Amish.  For example, I
just learned yesterday that AT&T owns some of the largest purveyors of
hard-core pornography.  Do you want to support that?

I hate capitalism.  I am a communist in all respects (mind you the lowercase
'c') but I know that communism is not a workable model for a society as
large as ours, or a government of any size.

A sociologist will tell you that a person will work just as hard for the
reward of recognition as they will for money.  Hence the millions of
man-hours being poured into the Free Software Movement.  But communism
cannot survive in a society so large that an individual's contributions go
unnoticed.  The Internet is raising awareness that communism works, but a
real-world communist society would have to be broken down into countless
independent communes the size of small towns.  Even if they weren't pure
communist -- some people may have a hard time giving up money in favor of a
rewards-based barter economy -- the fact is it would work, it would be
wonderful, and someday the Internet may help make it happen.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: dhurst at KsuMail.Kennesaw.Edu [mailto:dhurst at KsuMail.Kennesaw.Edu]On
> Behalf Of Dow Hurst
> Sent: Monday, February 18, 2002 1:18 PM
> To: aaron at pd.org; ale at ale.org
> Subject: Re: [ale] OT: The Amazing WEB
> The internet is for passing information primarily and if you don't know
> anything, you can't pass any info worth listening to.  Also, the "greed
> motive" applied in the sense of true American capitalism is simply
> betterment of resources and lifestyle and is not really greed in an evil
> sense of stealing or hurting others.  So Micro"evil"Soft examples don't
> apply to normal American capitalism.  Unregulated capitalism is actually
> regulated by the morals of each person involved.  A democratic and free
> society can't function without each individual having internal rules of
> law and order guiding them in choices.  Without that you have to enforce
> laws since people choose not to enforce them upon themselves and we know
> where that path leads...
> Anarchy!
> Sincerely,
> Dow

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