[ale] petition
James P. Kinney III
jkinney at localnetsolutions.com
Thu Feb 14 21:58:11 EST 2002
I would prefer to have Microsoft forced to publish every line of code
for every OS they have released since DOS 1.0.
I don't want MSOffice on my linux boxes unless it too is fully
documented with full access to every line of code. I simply don't trust
the vulture of Redmond.
The code doesn't have to be GPL. They could have a redistributon
prohibition clause on binaries. I want to see what they are doing when
my network shows traffic and I'm not doing anything. (kids windows box)
I want to see how my personal data gets handled. I want to see how the
difference between the published API and the purchased API.
<side note - how much $$ does Microsoft make from licenses with Norton
and MacAfee virus software? Whose cash-paying interest would be served
by closing the security holes?>
On Thu, 2002-02-14 at 20:43, Geoffrey wrote:
> I've come to the conclusion that we need to get the word out. I've heard
> that the hold out states on the Microsoft trial want Microsoft to port
> Office to Linux. I don't know about you, but I don't want Office taking
> my Linux box down. I think the proper solution is for Microsoft to
> publish their file formats. What do you folks think? I want to get a
> petition going. I've dead serious about this.
> Anyone know how you would go about this, from the legal standpoint? I
> can throw up a site for this purpose on no time, but how do I get it to
> the right people, so that it can be 'heard?'
> --
> Until later: Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
> "...the system (Microsoft passport) carries significant risks to users that
> are not made adequately clear in the technical documentation available."
> - David P. Kormann and Aviel D. Rubin, AT&T Labs - Research
> - http://www.avirubin.com/passport.html
> ---
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James P. Kinney III \Changing the mobile computing world/
President and COO \ one Linux user /
Local Net Solutions,LLC \ at a time. /
770-493-8244 \.___________________________./
GPG ID: 829C6CA7 James P. Kinney III (M.S. Physics)
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