[ale] Alternative port to 80 for web server

tewkewl at mindspring.com tewkewl at mindspring.com
Thu Feb 7 15:27:48 EST 2002

I would actually suggest a super high port...say 65000.... Even a normal portscan with most utils will fingerprint the app that is listening on whatever port.  Most, however do not like to scan for long periods of time...especially if yiou are running ipchains/tables and dropping all icmp.  imagine how long it would take to scan all ports of a host that is pingable...then how silly it would be ti scan all hosts not pingable... (for all ports)


"Tommie M. Jones" <tj at atlantageek.com> wrote:
> Port 8080 is an often used port for an alternative web port.

Of course if you are trying to hide from port scans I guess you would want
anything but 80 and 8080.  Just pick something above 2000.  That is the
best you can hope for.

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On Thu, 7 Feb 2002, Mike Millson wrote:

> I would like to run my Apache web server for testing purposes. To avoid port
> scans looking for web servers and other undue attention, I would like to run
> it on a port other than 80. Any guidance for picking that other port number
> or any other suggestions?
> Thank you,
> Mike
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