[ale] sanity check article...
Greg Sabino Mullane
greg at turnstep.com
Mon Feb 4 20:50:25 EST 2002
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Here is my $0.02 USD on the actual perl script:
* Always add 'use strict' at the top of your scripts,
especially if you are introducing perl to new people.
* Check the results of the functions open and opendir.
If they fail, you want to know about it right away,
and not go any further:
opendir (DIR,"$directory")
or die "Could not open directory $irectory: $!\n";
or die "Could not open $firectory/$file: $!\n";
* This line:
| close DIR; # close the directory handle (usually automatic)
should be "closedir" not "close." Also, if you are specifically
closing the dir handle, you may as well close the file handle
as well at the end of the while loop.
* The regex needs a conditional to work properly (see below)
That's the biggies. I'm away from home with some time to kill :),
so I'll go over it some more in detail below. Some are definite
gotchas, others are merely Another Way To Do It.
* Try to avoid hard-coding machine-specific info whenever
possible (and if you must, put it at the top of your
script, as you've aready done). For example, instead of:
| my $url = 'http://myhost.mydomain.com'; # baseurl here
try this:
my $url = "http://$ENV{'SERVER_NAME'}";
or even:
my $url = sprintf
$ENV{'SERVER_PORT'}==80 ? "" : ":$ENV{'SERVER_PORT'}";
(only if you know this is going to be run over the web and
your web server sets these environment variables (Apache does)
You could wrap it in some additional logic for commmand-line
* This loop:
| if ($file =~ /\.html$/) { # is it an html file?
| ...
| }
has no matching else, so we can save some brackets and make
things a little clearer by turning it into a quick test:
next unless $file =~ /\.html$/;
* There is no need to put parens around all three of the regex
sections, if all we care about is the second one:
| ($title = $line) =~ s#(<title>)(.*)(</title>)#$2#i;
($title = $line) =~ s#<title>(.*)</title>#$1#i;
* The "line" and "title" variables are not really needed,
but do help clarify for newbies. A close call, but I would
eliminate at least one of them.
* The inner loop, which checks for a line with "title",
does not exit once a title is found. Simply add a "last"
to the end of the if ($line =~ /<title>/i) loop.
* We do not need to chomp, since the regex is only looking
for a closing title tag, and does not care about line endings.
* The print line after the regex match should be wrapped inside
a conditional: we only want to print if we managed to
actually make the substitution. In other words, the substitution
will fail if the closing title tag is not found, in which case
we will end up printing the entire line that containts the
title tag! We should also account for cases in which no title
tag was found (using, perhaps, the file name, un-bolded to
differentiate it). We can also skip the substitution, and
simply use a match:
if ($line =~ m#<title>(.*)</title>#i) {
# print the line with fresh hyperlinks
print p( a({href=>"$url/$dir/$file"}, "<b>$1</b>"));
later on as an "else":
print p( a({href=>"$url/$dir/$file"}, "$file"));
* Parsing html is a very advanced skill: it is far better to
use the modules already available to do the job. However, the
above probably suffices in this case. For more information:
I would at the very least warn people of this: this particular
wheel tends to get re-invented over and over. There are a few
things that regexs are not good for. :)
* We can use the handy perl "grep" function to combine the
readdir and the "html extension" check into one. We could
also store the results into an array, which allows us to
close the directory handle quicker, and have some cleaner
code (at the expense of a small amount of memory). While
we're there, we also make the final "l" in "html" optional
for those that might still play by the silly DOS 8.3 rules:
| while ($file = readdir(DIR)) { # read a file at a time
| if ($file =~ /\.html$/) { # is it an html file?
my @files = grep {/\.html?$/) readdir DIR;
for my $file (@files) {
or even combine the two to regain that memory:
for my $file (grep {/\.html?$/) readdir DIR) {
* As an added bonus to putting all the entries into an array
first, we also know how many files we read in, and can display
that at the top of the page:
print h2("Files found: ". at files);
* The CGI printing functions should be prefixed with a print:
| print h1("Welcome to my Recipe Collection");
* As a final garnish, let's sort the entries by name by passing
the result of the grep into a normal, default sort:
my @files = sort grep {/\.html?$/} readdir DIR;
The final version:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use CGI qw(:standard); # Here's what makes it all possible
use strict;
my $directory = '/var/www/myfiles'; # web files located here
my $url = sprintf # baseurl here
$ENV{'SERVER_PORT'}==80 ? "" : ":$ENV{'SERVER_PORT'}";
my $dir = 'myfiles'; # basename of dir where
# web files are
print header(), start_html("My Recipes"), "\n";
print h1("Welcome to my Recipe Collection"),"\n";
print p("I was inspired by " .
a({href=>"http://www.computoredge.com"}, "this website") . " to
create a dynamically generated web page."),"\n";
print p("The following code will generate a list of all HTML
files in the current directory:"),"\n";
## Open a directory handle:
opendir (DIR,"$directory")
or die "Could not opendir $directory: $!\n";
## Read in files ending in htm or html, sort, and put in an array
my @files = sort grep {/\.html?$/} readdir DIR;
print h2("Files found: ". at files), "\n";
## Open each file in turn and try to find the title
for my $file (@files) {
or die "Could not open $directory/$file: $!\n";
my $titlefound=0;
while (<FILE>) {
if (m#<title>(.*)</title>#i) {
print p( a({href=>"$url/$dir/$file"}, "\n <b>$1</b>"));
++$titlefound and last; ## Ignore the rest of the file
close(FILE); # close the file handle (usually automatic)
if (!$titlefound) {
print p( a({href=>"$url/$dir/$file"}, "\n $file"));
print "\n";
closedir(DIR); # close the directory handle (usually automatic)
print end_html(); # print </body></html>
Yes, I know some of the things (e.g. the sort/grep/readdir line)
may be a bit much for beginners, but it was fun rewriting this,
and hopefully someone learned something along the way. I'd
personally remove the close and closedir : perl handles this
so well automatically it is rarely needed expicitly and the
open/opendir success tests are much more important.
Greg Sabino Mullane greg at turnstep.com
PGP Key: 0x14964AC8 200202042039
Just Another Perl Hacker
Comment: http://www.turnstep.com/pgp.html
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