[ale] ALS

Chris Farris chrisf at primeharbor.com
Tue Apr 16 22:46:29 EDT 2002

not anymore

But that's just my opinion I could be wrong.

Chris Farris, CISSP
PrimeHarbor Technologies 
chrisf at primeharbor.com

> -----Original Message-----
> From: phrostie [mailto:pfrostie at yahoo.com] 
> Sent: 16 April, 2002 8:58 PM
> To: ALE
> Subject: [ale] ALS
> Forgive a stupid question, but what ever happened to the 
> Atlanta Linux 
> Showcase?  
> when is it? 
> does it still exist?
> does the linux showcase do atlanta?
> where can i find informnation on it?
> -- 
> Oh, I have slipped the surly bonds of DOS,
> and danced the skies on Linux silvered wings. 

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