[ale] Java IDE

John Wells jb at sourceillustrated.com
Tue Apr 16 09:09:38 EDT 2002

Never used C++ builder, but jedit (http://www.jedit.org) is a great, full
featured editor with plugins for almost anything you need.  It's GPL'd and
they just released 4.0.  Give it a try.


---------  Original message --------
From: ChangingLINKS.com <ChangingLINKS.com at bigfoot.com>
To: ale at ale.org
To: ale at ale.org <ale at ale.org>
Subject: [ale] Java IDE
Date: 04-16-02 17:07

> I have a friend that is looking to develop Java on Linux. He is used to
C++ builder to do most of his programming work. Is there anything like that
for use with Java for Linux (RedHat 7.2)?
Wishing you Happiness, Joy and Laughter,

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