[ale] bizarre error

John Wells jb at sourceillustrated.com
Mon Apr 15 15:53:32 EDT 2002

Good point.  Looking in fs.txt which came in the kernel source documentation
specifies two interesting values...inode-max and file-max.  They should be
located in /proc/sys/fs, but I only see file-max there right now.  Although
the doc says you should get errors regarding running out of filehandles, I'm
gonna compare the num of files on my system to that number.  I'll follow up
in a bit...

Thanks for the help.


---------  Original message --------
From: Chris Fowler <cfowler at outpostsentinel.com>
To: ale at ale.org
To: Geoffrey <esoteric at 3times25.net>, John Wells <jb at sourceillustrated.com>
CC: ale at ale.org
Subject: RE: [ale] bizarre error
Date: 04-15-02 23:46

> I never thought about that one.  Is there a way to check?

-----Original Message-----
From: Geoffrey [mailto:esoteric at 3times25.net]
To: ale at ale.org
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2002 7:47 PM
To: John Wells
Cc: Chris Fowler; ale at ale.org
Subject: Re: [ale] bizarre error

Have you got a bunch of files?  Might be out of inodes??

John Wells wrote:
&gt; Yup.  Logged in as root and still no luck.
&gt; Any other ideas?
&gt; Thanks,
&gt; John
&gt; ---------  Original message --------
&gt; From: Chris Fowler &lt;cfowler at outpostsentinel.com&gt;
&gt; To: John Wells &lt;jb at sourceillustrated.com&gt;, ale at ale.org
&lt;ale at ale.org&gt;
&gt; Subject: RE: [ale] bizarre error
&gt; Date: 04-15-02 23:26
&gt;&gt;Maybe you have reserved space for root.  And that is the remaining
&gt; Are you logged in as root when you try the mkdir?
&gt; -----Original Message-----
&gt; From: John Wells [mailto:jb at sourceillustrated.com]
&gt; Sent: Monday, April 15, 2002 2:37 PM
&gt; To: ale at ale.org
&gt; Subject: [ale] bizarre error
&gt; Ok, bear with me.  I've been coding for around 20 hours straight and
&gt; solely on high powered espressos.  Around two hours ago, I abandoned
&gt; the grounds through the maker and started scooping spoonfuls into my
&gt; ;-).
&gt; Just as I was peaking on that adrenaline rush that only coding can
&gt; ran into some weird errors.  I ran across Boa-Constructor last night
&gt; decided to install it and try it out while working on my latest
&gt; However, as I was pulling down the latest code from cvs for wxPython, I
&gt; a &amp;quot;no space left on device&amp;quot; error.
&gt; Hmm.  Didn't make sense, as I had quite a bit of room last time I
&gt; A quick df revealed the following:
&gt; [/home/jb]-)df -h
&gt; Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
&gt; /dev/hdb3             7.5G  6.6G  598M  92% /
&gt; none                  124M     0  124M   0% /dev/shmt
&gt; Everything looks good.  However, when I try to do:
&gt; [/home/jb]-)mkdir test1
&gt; mkdir: cannot create directory 'test1': No space left on device
&gt; It seems I've run into this before but I have no idea what I did to
&gt; it.  Can anyone point me in the right direction?
&gt; Thanks,
&gt; John
&gt; ---
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&gt; See http://www.ale.org/mailing-lists.shtml for more info. Problems
&gt; sent to listmaster at ale dot org.
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&gt; This message has been sent through the ALE general discussion list.
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Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

I didn't have to buy my radio from a specific company to listen
to FM, why doesn't that apply to the Internet (anymore...)?

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