[ale] Q: How to install ttf fonts in Linux

Danny Cox danscox at mindspring.com
Fri Apr 5 09:15:33 EST 2002


On Fri, 2002-04-05 at 09:00, Chris Woodruff wrote:
> I grabbed a bunch of new truetype fonts (*.ttf) and placed them in the
> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF.  I retarted X and then brought up gimp and
> found that none of the new fonts are seen by gimp.
> I am using Mandrake 8.2.  Any help in getting X to see the new fonts would
> be helpful.

	Are you using xfs (X Font Server)?  Since Mandrake is RH based, I'll
bet you are.  Search Freshmeat for "xfstt", a replacement for xfs
that'll handle True Type fonts.

	You may also need the "FreeType" library.  Freashmeat will have that,

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