[ale] Desperately need Borland C++ Builder 5

Benjamin Scherrey scherrey at innoverse.com
Wed Apr 3 16:46:22 EST 2002

I'm trying to get a product out using Trolltech's Qt 3.0.3 and recently upgraded to the C++ Builder 6 
from the command line tools so I'd have a decent debugger for Windows. While my code builds 
and links fine with the compiler Qt libs, it turns out that it cannot build the Qt libs and TrollTech 
doesn't yet support BCPPB 6. So.... I really need to get a copy of 5 but it doesn't seem to be 
available anywhere. I don't care what version, personal, professional, et al - I just need a 5.x. 
Please let me know if you have a copy I can buy off you ASAP.
	thanx & later,

		Ben Scherrey

PS: VC++ isn't an option because I need member templates which it doesn't support.

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