[ale] OT: Has your spam increased?

Chris Fowler cfowler at outpostsentinel.com
Tue Apr 2 08:11:31 EST 2002

That is the pot calling the kettle black. When I signed up with
hotmail it was as if I signed a 100 adv. mailining lists too.

-----Original Message-----
From: ChangingLINKS.com [mailto:ChangingLINKS.com at bigfoot.com]
To: ale at ale.org
Sent: Sunday, March 31, 2002 8:40 PM
To: ale at ale.org
Subject: [ale] OT: Has your spam increased?

FYI -- a lot of us use Yahoo Messenger.  I noticed I am getting a TON
of junk email and now know a bit more about why!!  Go to this website:
and read carefully!!

The settings for your Yahoo account were changed to load more
junkmail.  The article explains how to change your settings to avoid
all of this.

Users who don't want marketing offers from Yahoo have 60 days to do
the following: Visit the user profile preferences page at

http://edit.my.yahoo.com/config/eval_profile; select "Edit your
marketing preferences" from within the Member Information section;
and individually change selections in a series of marketing
categories from "yes" to "no."
Wishing you Happiness, Joy and Laughter,

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