[ale] question about linux from scratch & debian

Kevin Krumwiede krum at oco.net
Tue Sep 18 00:01:51 EDT 2001

Not really.  The purpose of each of them is documented in their man pages
and stuff.  Linux is incredibly flexible.  It's impossible to say anything
is *needed*.  It all depends on *your* needs.

Technically, you can boot Linux with nothing but a kernel and a root
filesystem containing a program called "init".  It's nice if "init" happens
to be a fancy program like sysvinit that starts gettys or sulogin or
something so you can actually do something with the computer, but the kernel
would be perfectly happy running a static "Hello World" for init and just
sitting there.

The LFS book (www.linuxfromscratch.org) lists everything you need to compile
each of its packages, and gives a brief description of what many of the
programs in those packages are for.  Is that what you're looking for?


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-ale at ale.org [mailto:owner-ale at ale.org]On Behalf Of Stephen
To: ale at ale.org
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 6:37 PM
To: ale at ale.org
Subject: RE: [ale] question about linux from scratch & debian

well, do you know a web site or book that would list
the packages / programs and a discription of thier
purpose or need in a linux system?

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