[ale] FYI: FW: Shipments

Chris Fowler ChrisF at computone.com
Tue Sep 11 12:44:33 EDT 2001

For those who ship product:

-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Ryan 
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 12:16 PM
To: ALL - Multiuser; ALL - Computone
Subject: Shipments

As you are probably aware of by now, all air flights have been canceled and
airports closed. This of course also includes UPS and 
Fed-X flights.  As of right now they will be picking up product , but
anything we are sending out via air, RED, BLUE will NOT leave Atlanta today.
UPS says that it will be at lest tomorrow night before flights resume.

Please let your customers know that they will not be receiving their parts


Ed Ryan
Multi-User Solutions
4350 International Blvd. Suite E
Norcross, Ga.  30093
edr at multiuser.com
Tel: 770-638-6999
Fax: 770-638-6990

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