[ale] AT&T Roadrunner Cable

Chris Ness mness215 at mediaone.net
Wed Sep 5 20:37:36 EDT 2001

On September  5, 2001 10:08 am, you wrote:
> The telephone dweebs wouldn't know Linux if it walked up and bit them on
> the butt.  They are only paid to read from their script and usually don't
> know anything else.

" power down the modem, power down the computer, disconnect the cable from 
both devices" (?????) Wait thirty seconds, then reverse the process. That is 
AT&T's equivalent to take two aspirin and call  me in the morning. This after 
waiting online for 25  minutes for a techie. Incidentally the problem was 
that Windows no longer would recognize the modem that AT&T sold me. An 
obvious Windows problem not related to the cable modem, but they only can fix 
Windows, not Linux - hell, they can't do Windows.
So I put the NIC in my Linux box, booted and it has been running ever since 
(6 weeks) without incident. They ought to support Linux and forget Windows. 
It would save them a lot of customer support. (only thing I did change was to 
add a second NIC for internal networking)

Chris Ness
mailto:mness215 at mediaone.net   	      All jobs are equally easy to
http://vivid.nbank.net/~gloster               the person not doing the work.
			   			    Holt's Law

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