[ale] screen config for debian

Keith Hopkins hne at inetnow.net
Tue Oct 30 07:09:35 EST 2001

Stephen Turner wrote:

> it said the screens were found but not configured
> properly.. im useing debians woody.. what should i
> used to configure the screens? or am i looking at a
> freak error? this error accures when i run startx
> trying to enter gnome..
> an input would be much appreciated :)
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Hi Stephen,

   I'd guess you either just changed your monitor or video card, or your setting up X for the first time on this machine, any way....
   The dreaded "No Screens" message usually occurs when X can't match a display resolution supported by your video card with a frequency range supported by your monitor.
   First, if such a beast exists, run whatever config tool Debian supplies for X and configure X.
   or Two, edit /etc/X11/XF86Config manually. (or maybe just /etc/XF86Config, or wherever it lies.)
   Make sure the Monitors section has both Horizontal and Vertical ranges that are supported by your monitor.
   If you are running X-3.x.x, then you will have Modeline that you can play with and adjust too.
   If you are running X-4.x.x, then these are absent in the config file, as there are a set of defaults built in the drivers (somewhere).
   Happy Hacking!

Lost in Tokyo,

"hne at inetnow.net" Copyright 1996-2001.  Not for distribution without express permission.

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