[ale] Bye-bye, Telocity/DirectTV

Scott Nolde scott at smnolde.com
Wed Oct 24 08:03:56 EDT 2001

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I've had AT&T roadrunner for about two years and it's been pretty good
this past year.

With all the talk of playing NIC games or calling to re-register a NIC's
MAC address, you're forgetting a really neat funtion of ifconfig: you can
fake a MAC address using ifconfig.

Depending on how the networking is set up on your box, you'll have to see,
but with RedHat I only had to specify a MACADDR="aabbccddeeff" in my
ifcfg-eth0 file.

Reread your network initialization scripts.  Then you can decide whether
or not to play musical NICs on windoze.

- - Scott

smacked into the keyboard previously by jhubbs at telocity.com:

 >Date: 23 Oct 2001 13:29:45 -0700
 >From: jhubbs at telocity.com
 >To: ale at ale.org
 >Subject: [ale] Bye-bye, Telocity/DirectTV
 >On September 28, my DSL service went out completely and after two and a half weeks of spending hours and hours on hold with tech support only to basically have to keep starting over and over with Tier-1 know-nothings each time (regardles of how many times I'd talked to Tier-2 people), I decided to bail and give cable a try.
 >I have installation scheduled for 11/1.  From what I can tell so far, what I need to do is take the Internet-side NIC from my Coyoye Linux firewall and put it into a Windows machine so the installer can set me up, and then I'm free to move the NIC back to the firewall in order to find joy.  Does anyone know if AT&T Broadband uses PPPoE or if there are any other issues I should know about?
 >It very much appears as though the DirectTV/Bellsouth relationship is extremely broken.  During this DSL outage, I lost my dialtone and two guys were at my house the very next day to fix it.  Is it fair to surmise that Bellsouth simply makes as little effort as they can get away with to repair DSL service via other ISPs?
 >- Jeff
 >This message has been sent through the ALE general discussion list.
 >See http://www.ale.org/mailing-lists.shtml for more info. Problems should be
 >sent to listmaster at ale dot org.

Scott Nolde
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