[ale] SSh/telnet to the host from shell

Zyman, Andy zymana at hra.nyc.gov
Mon Oct 22 13:18:11 EDT 2001

Robert, thank You.

I wonder, is there any workaround with this problem?
Actually installing additional soft. such as TCl, here, won't be an easy
So maybe I can use smth. else?
Somebody told me that there is a small "magic" :) c-program i can use to do
the same trick as expect is doing....

Thank You

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert Gash [mailto:gashalot at gashalot.com]
> Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 12:32 PM
> To: Zyman, Andy
> Cc: 'ale at ale.org'
> Subject: Re: [ale] SSh/telnet to the host from shell
> Since you're attempting to automate the login procedure, I'd imagine
> that you are trying to script an entire interactive session to
> accomplish some sort of goal (get statistics, etc).
> If you are attempting to automate such use of interactive 
> programs, use
> Expect to script the operation.  Expect provides a TCL-based way of
> creating scripts that are capable of "using" interactive 
> programs, which
> can include telnet/ssh if you so desire. Expect is available at
> http://expect.nist.gov/ .
> -R
> -- 
> Robert Gash, CS, Georgia Tech  \\  gashalot at gashalot.com gte393u at prism
> CS1321 Teaching Assistant      //  pgp keys - gashalot.com/pgpkeys.txt
> ---
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