[ale] RedHat 7.1 ls Filename Sort Weirdness

hirsch at zapmedia.com hirsch at zapmedia.com
Sat Nov 3 22:30:09 EST 2001

Fletch writes:
 > >>>>> "Danny" == Danny Cox <danscox at mindspring.com> writes:
 > [...]
 >     Danny>         In RedHat 7.1 however, they're sorted ignoring
 >     Danny> case.  I want to turn this abomination off, and I think
 >     Danny> there is probably a simple way to do it, but I can't even
 >     Danny> find a reference to it.  Help?

Cool.  I hadn't realized this problem with RH 7.1, probably cause I
don't work much from the command line at home where I've upgraded.
But I'm upgrading at work where I do and this would be a big annoyance
for me.  Thanks for pointing this out.

 >         The default locale is probably set to `en_US' rather than `C',
 > which gives the behavior you're seeing.  Make sure that the LANG
 > environment variable gets set to C in your .whateverrc file or
 > /etc/profile and that should fix things.

That was it exactly.  I found that it was being set in
/etc/sysconfig/i18n (not the first pllace I looked, but I guess it
makes sense).  Changed it to "C" and it started working.

Strangely enough, it also make konqueror work for me.  I was on the
verge of switching from RH 7.2 to Mandrake 8.1 cause I couldn't ever
get Konqueror to work.  It still gives me errors, but at least it will



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